
ePortfolio of Andrew De-Weleyi


      D-W, Andrew

andrew's photo

-- Educational background in engineering technology, international business, business administration, as well as eBusiness & eCommerce.

-- Professional experience in manufacturing & service industry(sales and application engineering support, engineering team leadership, and project management).

-- Broad international (North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa: sport [soccer] participation and employment-related) experience.

-- Highly mobile on a worldwide scale, and for the right employment opportunity:
(a) Available to relocate to your business location.
(b) Willing to travel domestically or internationally.

-- Foreign Language Proficiency: Fluent in French

LIFELONG LEARNER: Actively acquiring 21st-century applied knowledge and skills:

Applied Skills:

I) Web Technologies:

II) Web Tools:
(a) CMS (Content Management Systems): Joomla! and WordPress
(b) Adobe Dreamweaver and Photoshop